The path towards obtaining raw materials from responsible sources has been gradual and continuous, being a commitment based on the joint efforts of all parties involved.
Obtaining coffee from a responsible source means knowing in detail the groups of farmers that supply green coffee, having the guarantee of certification provided by independent organizations in a certain set of social, environmental, economic, health and/or safety aspects.
In the specific case of Nestlé in Portugal, currently, in the coffee roasting carried out at the Porto factory, only responsible sourced coffee is used.
Nestlé has active partnerships with different associations which define and validate the criteria that ensure its classification as responsibly sourced coffee. To obtain this classification it is necessary to guarantee conditions that are based on economic, social and environmental dimensions - which protect not only the planet and the environment, but also the communities of coffee producers.
All these criteria are recognised by external entities and validated by independent organisations, such as 4C Services and/or the Rainforest Alliance, which work together with accredited local auditors to assess practices in accordance with established standards.
riteria 4C – Common Code Association for the Coffee Community – ensure that coffee cultivation does not contribute to deforestation and loss of biodiversity; that good agricultural practices and soil, water and air protection are used during coffee production; that human and labor rights are respected; and that farmers have adequate training.
In addition to these aspects, we are also working to ensure that by 2030, 50% of coffee comes from Regenerative Agriculture.